News : ''If I die under mysterious circumstances, it’s been nice knowin ya'' - Elon Musk


It was gathered in the early hours of yesterday that the billionaire through his official twitter handle post such tweet.  


Elon Musk is known on the internet and tech spaces to be such an active twitter user with constant regular posts ranging from businesses to personal view about things. He is also known to be sharing funny tweets and sometimes meme which carries messages around but this particular tweet got the world on its feet wondering as to why the billionaire will just decide to tweet that.

Is he trying to pass across some message? only time will tell. Replying to his tweet, his mother (Maye Musk) also did not find it funny yet Elon seems to have takin the post as a joke.

Some have relate the cryptic post to the recent accusation against him by Russia for providing Ukrain with internet terminals from his starlink satellite.


I Am But A Lot Of Things.

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