Tech : Simple Steps to Creating, Managing, Running And Owning A Blog On Blogger.


In this article, I will be teaching or putting you through per say simple steps on how to create, manage/maintain and run your own blog on blogger. Just so you know only passion, dedication and consistence will keep you running healthy and having a good organic from people.

First of all let me introduce what Blogger really is.

Blogger is a free self-hosted web creation platform own by Google Inc. Unlike WordPress, Wix and other platforms which are mostly paid before giving a full tools and advantages, Blogger is totally free and very easy to learn and use compared to others.

While wanting to own your blog, make sure you have at least 5-7 suggestions of blog site names. You really need that to probably not to run out of name options. Though it can be changed anytime soon but being able to sit down and figure out names to use is quite better than changing name every now and then. It sucks! And your readers and followers might find it frustrating too.

I’ll suggest you use something very close to you. It can be your favorite spot, your mom’s name, your name, or even the reason or purpose of the blog. Like if you want to run a blog about your business or product, you can use e.g ( or if it is a coffee/tea, kitchen, bakery joint it is all applicable.

NB; A short and precise blog site name is more preferable to use. You don’t want you readers to spend 15-20 seconds typing your website. It is hectic, annoying and super boring. USE A SIMPLE SHORT NAME.  

First Step; Having An Email Address

Of course after having a workable and stable network reception or Wi-Fi, the next thing to do is creating an email address with Gmail that is if you don’t have any. For those with no email address with Google, quickly log onto and click on the create account button. Fill the required information and you’re good to go. If you already have, you are good to go and can proceed.

Second Step; Creating A Blogger Account

Having an email address feels good right? Yeah it feels good. Let’s go through with the second step.

You can now log onto where by the right top corner you’ll see a create account button that is if you have never used the site or log in before. From there, you can choose whether to create with email or use your already created Google account of which I will advise you to do. It is more secured that way.

Third Step; Inputting Your Blog Site Name  

Just as earlier suggested to have at least 5-7 suggestions of blog site names, this the where it’s usage comes in handy. Why? Because there are millions if not billions of active websites running on the go. Chances are you can’t just for once guess it right without second or third trial. So get your suggestions ready before even going through any of the steps. 

Fourth Step; Creating Your Site

After the success of choosing a blog site name, a create site button will appear which you will click to get the site up and running on the go.

You can confirm that by inputting your web address on a new tab of your browser and see your empty blog.  

The next thing to do is to acquire a custom domain name because blogger is free, your blog site will appear with instead of .com or any other custom domain name you want.

Keep in touch with us and wait for our next article which will be on acquiring and purchasing a domain name and connecting it together with your blog through DNS.

Your comments and questions means a lot so don’t hesitate to drop them below.

Thanks and keep your fingers crossed for our next article. Have a great week!   


I Am But A Lot Of Things.

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