Humanitarian Work : Girls for Development Goals Foundation Embark On Project Menstruation Reach Out.






Project Menstruation amidst COVID-19

Girls for Development Goals Foundation have taken initiative amidst the COVID-19 pandemic ravaging the world to support vulnerable girls with Sanitary Kits in commemoration of the Menstrual Hygiene Day. It is important to note that while the government of the world declared a Global Lockdown to keep people indoors, our bodies didn't go into a "lockdown", Menstruation continues. Our initial plan for 2020 was to distribute 50,000 Reusable Sanitary Pads to girls to keep them in school during their periods; the global pandemic disrupted this plan. However we have decided to Take Action as the theme for the Menstrual Hygiene Day 2020.

Bearing in mind that this is a decade of action towards the actualization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we're working on distributing Sanitary Kits (consisting Sanitary Pads and nose masks amongst others) to selected vulnerable girls in communities of both Delta and Kebbi (Southern & Northern Nigeria) States of Nigeria.

This will take place from the months of July till the end of the year depending on how much support we get. We can't do this without you. COVID-19 doesn't stop periods, we continue to take action to ensure the girl child bleeds happily.



Recent Event

Name of event: Menstruation amidst covid-19 

Date of event: 27 August 2020

Location: Government Girls Secondary School Kalgo, Kebbi state

Number of person in attendance: 150 students

Sponsoring organizations: Benny & Freddy Limited, Angel Pad


Project summary


One the 27th August, Girls for Development Goals Foundation sponsored the MENSTRATION AMIDST COVID-19, which focused on creating awareness on Menstrual Hygiene for school girls in Kalgo LGA of Kebbi state, Nigeria.

The awareness was opened to the public and approximately 170 people were in attendance. During the program guests and speakers shared information to the girls about menstruation and how to stay safe during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Alhaji Dallatun Kalgo, representative of Girls for Development Goals Foundation, hosted the events. Welcome remark was taken by Pharm Firdausi Shayau.  MLS Jennifer Eseoghene, Dr. Saratu Kalgo was on ground during the activity. The principal of GGSS, Kalgo LGA, staff and teachers were present.

The key note speaker Dr. Saratu Kalgo and Angel pad representative Mr. Jamilu Aliyu spoke about menstrual hygiene and the use of sanitary pads and nose masks in times like this.

During the day, the nose masks and pads were handed over to the school principal who thereafter distributed to the girls. The chairman Kalgo LGA, Hon Shamsu Faruk, spoke also about the importance of this kind of program together with the rep. District head of Kalgo, Barr. Farida Muhammad.

The principal of the college gave a vote of thanks to the organization and representatives. The students also expressed their thanks and happiness after receiving the gifts.



Girl for Development Goals Foundation is a non-governmental, non-partisan and non-profit organization founded in 2016. It first operated with the name "Girls Health and Education Foundation" until 19th December, 2019 where we became fully registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).

Born out of the need to impact communities through development projects, the foundation is an initiative of former Pharm. Benedicta Chukwuyem Uweru now Pharm. Benedicta Chukwuyem Apuamah, a young Pharmacist and an active Global Leader.

The foundation focuses on projects around the following thematic areas: Sexual Reproductive Health (SRHR), Teenage Pregnancy, Menstrual Hygiene, Nutrition, Education and Capacity Development.

With an awesome pool of volunteers working with the management staff and team leads, we have implemented a number of impactful community development projects that engaged community, religious and academic leaders.




To impact the next generation through the utilization of technology and creative cutting-edge campaigns to make the world a better place.


To build healthy minds & development focused girls who will in turn build our Nation while promoting and acting towards the achievement of UN SDGs



Making the Girl child live with an impact.



1. To promote and develop with cutting edge & creative approaches. Public awareness and social media campaigns to give visibility to the advocacy in thematic areas (Health/Menstrual Hygiene, Teenage pregnancy, Nutrition Education, etc.).

2. To help in advancing public policy that protects the dignity and rights of girls, especially those from vulnerable communities. Also, to advocate for the educational and social improvement and constitutional rights of the girl child in Nigeria.

3. To partner with Individuals, Cooperate Bodies, Government and Non-Governmental Organizations to promote our advocacy towards the reduction of societal ills associated with the thematic areas. Help increase literacy level amongst the under privileged in the rural areas.

4. To assist in empowering youths & teenagers with skills that makes them employable especially in the developmental areas. Also develop hands - on research based development programs to provide girls with relevant skills and knowledge that will help improve their educational performance. 

5. To work with and liaise with policy makers to provide legislations and innovative that will increase the opportunities for the girl child in all areas of the society.

6. To stimulate training programs and encourage development and empowerment by awarding scholarships to less privileged children especially the girl child. 

7. Provide a platform to assist women and young girls in accessing available resources, grants and support system.

8. Provide free medical and health service and enlightenment to young girls, women, orphans, children and less privileged. 




Benedicta Chukwuyem Uweru-Apuamah is a Bachelor of Pharmacy Degree holder who is passionate about working the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She was a ONE Champion (2017 & 2018) at in Nigeria. She represented ONE in Nigeria & Africa at the ONE Youth Summit in Brussels where her presentation earned her a standing ovation from ONE CEO & President, Gayle Smith & other Youth Ambassadors across Europe. Her dream workplace is the UN; she considers this a platform to impact her community better. 

She continues to impact lives by volunteering with other organizations such as the medical outreach (May 2018) with the Moses Lake Medical Team (from the US) in Kebbi State, Nigeria.  She's a 2019 WYSE ILP Brazil Alumni being the only Nigerian Delegate at a training that gathered 26 participants across 16 countries of the world in Sao Paulo, Brazil (Jan 6th to 17th 2019). She was a Chairperson at the just concluded Tanzania International Model UN Conference 2019 and continues to develop herself.

She is the Director on the board of Benny&Freddy, a Private Liability Company that produces Reusable Sanitary Pads & offers a variety of services. She organized the Youth Voices Conference in commemoration of the 68th United Nations Civil Society Conference in Kebbi State, August 28th, 2019. She also spoke at the Youth Empowerment and Development Conference in Abuja, Nigeria where she engaged young people on how to Access International Platforms. She is currently the only female Nigerian ambassador for the Young Political Leadership School Africa representing Nigeria at the 6th semester in Monrovia, Liberia, October 2019.

She was the youngest speaker at the just concluded "Our Girls Our Pride" project organized by the Ministry of Women Affairs, Delta State. Her work with the foundation has earned her a place at the 2020 Global Engagement Summit in Illinois, Chicago. She has been at various international high level meetings and currently working with JDPC Issele-Uku as Program Manager on the CDC funded FASTER Project.





1. Apuamah Fredrick Azuka


He seats as the Chairman of the Board. He possesses excellent communication, interpersonal and presentation skills, these he gathered from a variety of working experiences. From speaking at religious and corporate gatherings to managing individuals and organizations. He also possesses good people management skills, having managed over 400 workers as a Safety Officer with the Chinese Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) in Kogi State, Nigeria.

He achieved zero injuries throughout his 7months contract job with the CCECC. His managerial skills have been tested through and through. He's managed Hotel 365, Pearl Dental Clinic and Alphonso Hospital all in Port-Harcourt, Nigeria.




2. Oritseweyinmi Erikowa-Orighoye



Also known as Dr. Weyoms is a Communications & Research Specialist passionate about problem solving, conflict resolution, and personal development. With over 7 years of experience in the academia, she developed a love for helping the youth find ways to develop themselves professionally and personally through their education, environment, and more importantly their spiritual lives.

As a Pediatrician with interests in environmental and public health, she has conducted several researches in public health focused on nutrition and physical activity among children in Nigeria. She has a Doctor of Medicine degree from Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy, Ukraine, MRes in Pediatrics from Odessa State Medical University, Ukraine which qualifies her as a Pediatrician and an early career researcher.

Furthermore, she has taught Masters from University of Sanford, UK in Occupational Safety, Health and Wellbeing. She is currently doing a PhD in Nutrition and Dietetics at Leeds Becker University, UK. Currently, she is the director of health programs in a non-governmental organization called Coastal and Marine Areas Development Initiative (CMADI).

Oritseweyinmi enjoys planning and organizing sustainable development projects in health, education, and environment. As an individual very passionate about gender, leadership, career development, and inclusivity, Dr. Weyoms has also helped youths plan and organize their community development projects in different parts of Nigeria.


3. Neil McCluskey



Neil has over 20 years of experience and is a Co-Founder of Total Quest; He is a seasoned Project Manager within and outside the country. He majored in Finance and accounting, has a masters in Project Management and an MBA. He is also an MCSE NT4 and Windows 2003 qualified. He is Prince 2, PMP and Six Sigma trained.

He is fluent in 4 languages and also has a working knowledge of Spanish. Over the past 15 years he has held a number of various post, from Financial Controller for a Syrian based Hotel chain, to a financial systems analyst for an International airport chain. He has also been involved in various network implementations across Europe as the Project Manager and most recently Project Director for NGCOM Nigeria Limited.

He was also Project Manager for Dott Telecom. He is also a Co-founder and CEO of Taurus Mobile/Taurus Mobile Services. He has branched out on his own and formed Total Quest Enterprise, which specializes in all forms of Telecommunication Network implementation and also project management. He is also a writer for

In his spare time, he co-manages an orphanage in Nigeria where he encourages friends and colleagues to donate gifts for the children and up until 2008 he enjoyed volunteering his services for Salvation Army in the UK for over 10 years. He is also a co-founder /Director on Non-Governmental organization called Fathers Heart Children Trust.


4. Abubakar Bagudu Dallatun Kalgo



Media consultant, entrepreneur and motivational speaker. Served as executive secretary of Kebbi chamber of commerce, special adviser on media and currently state secretary of Federation of Agricultural Commodities Association of Nigeria, Kebbi state chapter.



5. Wadi Victoria Ben-Hirki



Wadi Is an Ashoka change maker and served as a ONE champion for two years. In 2017, she was the focal point for Canada High Commission’s #SheCANLead campaign in Nigeria. In 2016, she participated in the Africa Union’s Regional Consultation on Human Rights with a major focus on Women’s Rights. She was a youth delegate at the Global Partnership for Education Financing Conference 2018 and served as a Special Guest on education & skills for the 21st century at the Y20 Summit 2018.

She also participated in the 2018 United States Institute of Peace (USIP) Generation Change Fellowship with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. She currently sits on the African Leadership Institute Youth Advisory Board and serves as a Country Representative for the Chatham House Common Futures Conversations.

She is a 2019 Diana Award Holder and was one of the recipients of the World Youth Forum Award 2018 which was presented by H.E President AbdelFaeah El-Sisi (President of Egypt). She emerged as one of the winners of the Thailand Village Academy Competition 2019.





The journey from 2016;


Campaign against Teenage Pregnancy:

 Our key speaker was Neil McCluskey amongst other experienced speakers, religious leaders in Obiaruku, Delta State.300 students of secondary schools in Obiaruku, Abraka and Obinomba community school teachers, parents were in attendance.

This project educated the young ones on the need to stand up against teenage pregnancy, the speakers made sure to educate the audience on the ills of teenage pregnancy and also stressed on the need to focus on their goal so as not to be distracted.


A Love Letter to Myself

This is a February 14th Valentine project.

This is a time of love and a very vulnerable one for young girls to become victims of rape, coerced and unprotected sex. This project aimed to instill self-confidence and sufficiency in young school girls. Q&A sessions about menstrual hygiene and distribution of Disposable Sanitary Pads with love stickers as gif items.

This project engaged a total of 3000 students from 5 schools in Ukwuani Local Government Advocacy against Teenage Pregnancy: This project was a very unconventional one. We acknowledged the fact that teenagers have a short attention span and instead of boring them with lots of seminars like the first project, we engaged the tool of entertainment.

With the permission of Stephanie Linus-Idahosa, we organized a film show using her award-winning movie "Dry", which is a story of Teenage Pregnancy, child marriage, girl education and VVF (Vessico Vagina Fistula).

A Q&A session took place afterward. It also doubled as a distribution of Disposable Sanitary Pads (Angel Pads). Angel Pad from Lagos partnered to give hundreds of samples of their products to support us.


To sponsor or be part of this project, send an email to or call

Benedicta on +2348062789466 or Fredrick on +2348037612292.

ItsTimeForAction, #MHDAY2020 #PeriodsInPandemics #Girls4DevGoals




NAME: Girls for Development Goals Foundation

REG NO: CAC/IT/NO 141114

DATE: December 19th, 2019.




 No. 3, Esimike Estate, Utagbuno Junction, Obiaruku, 

 Delta State, Nigeria.


 Liaison Office

 No. 12, Yari House, Emir Haruna, 

 Near Ajala Motors, Birnin-Kebbi, 

 Kebbi State, Nigeria.


Tel: 08062789466, 08037612292, 07056636064





I Am But A Lot Of Things.

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