#News : One Killed And Several Injured During Bauchi Facebook Hangout.

Sunday September 9th was a black day in Yelwa metropolis in the city of Bauchi.
An attacked happened during the Facebook hangout which the sole aim it the meet up is to meet,connect and relate with people you possibly never know personally.
Before evening the vibe of the event is so strong and active as passengers and resident along Dass Road could hear the sound of music and the shout of joy and excitement.
It was later in the evening that a group of unknown men launch an attack on the gathering enjoying the rest of the day with music performance from artist from,within and outside the state which led to the dispersion of the gathering and many were left injured while trying to run and others which in the process fall into their trap.
After the dispersion, People without the idea of what really happended began making funny comment and post tagging it after an adroid adventure game TEMPLE RUN. It was really a funny moment until the worst news hit the masses like a nuvlear weapon that a boy Named Dindarah Yusuf popularly called Dindazy of around 17 years of age residing some kilometers away from the venue ( E4 Resort ) was brutally murdered in cold blood by the men.
Which instantly turned the funny moment into moment of pain and distress.
It was a very sad moment in the whole of Yelwa as friends and family began paying tribute on different platforms..

It is really painful to see someone young , energetic and full of dream boy being murdered while the culprit are happily living freely.
Well, what can we say? We live everything to God to do his will. The deceased was since been buried on Tuesday according to Christian rites in Yelwa cemetery in Rafin Zurfi.
In respect to Dindarah, Francis Danbalarabe sing in his memory a tribute song.

 Get Song Here

May His Soul Rest In Peace With The Lord.


I Am But A Lot Of Things.

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