#Life and Faith - Use Prayers

Use Prayer

Prayer is one of the most powerful and most influential ways of achieving anything yet we fail to realize it's power . Most people believe in turning to God when they face a situation beyond their control, others feel prayer is the last option but leaving an active prayerful life will help you to be positive.
Keeping an active prayerful life and spiritual life will open your eyes to see the world in a different way (Positively and the way  God wants you to see)

Prayers Connect

You will be able to relax more as you know that nothing can get you down, it gives you more power as you know that nothing is impossible with God.
When facing difficulty in life and you feel defeated, prayers uplifts you and install the feeling of hope again.
Prayers keeps the hope for a better tomorrow alive within us, following religious teachings and beliefs, it helps us to reflect on past teachings and how other people overcame their troubles through prayer and we know we can do the same.  We tell ourselves that God is able to overcome any troubles we might be facing and He can deliver us out of any troubles so we stop worrying and start talking to him telling him of our problems.
Prayer connects you to your creator, it allows you to realize that you are not just an ordinary person you are important, you are worth it and you deserve the best. This will motivate you to work harder and be more committed to achieving your goals it will give you a new boost of energy to keep going in whatever you want to achieve and it will kill all the fears you have about failing because you know you are capable of becoming whoever and whatever you want to be.

Prayers is a daily thing.
Most people takes and view prayers as an occasional lifestyle and so are always under devil's radar of torment. How Funny and saddening it is how people operate their prayer life based on "Prayer Time Table."
The Bible didn't say prayers should be on a specific period of time on this or that day. Check 1 Thessalonians 5:17

My last advice will be pray always the devil may possibly attack you the day you refuse or forget to pray...
i pray this short writing should touch and reconnect someone back to God.


I Am But A Lot Of Things.

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